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GapAd Lets You Make Money When People LEAVE Your Site

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GapAd, still in beta wants to help you make money when people leave your site to visit another site, GapAd displays an advert in the gap between the two sites for a few seconds – you get the revenue made by these ads.

GapAd’s technology automatically places ad triggers on all of your exit links and displays targeted adverts when people leave your site. You can easily bypass any exit links where you do not wish ads to display.

How it works
when a website’s visitors leave to surf somewhere else, GapAd displays an ad during the few seconds it takes for the next page to appear. Blog owners begin by signing up with the service and installing a simple WordPress plug-in. Then, whenever someone clicks on an outbound link on their website, GapAd inserts a short ad in between the sites while the new page is loading. It’s up to the blog owner to decide how long the intermediate ad is shown. If the surfer clicks on the ad, meanwhile, it opens in a new window. Targeting technology ensures that the ad is relevant to both the source and destination websites.

via all top startups

Written by Mjay

August 3, 2011 at 01:19

Posted in Mad Ad Stuff

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